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Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life
UPDATE: Tufts announces fall 2022 semester plans. 浏览外网的免费加速器
The only university-wide college of its kind, Tisch College studies and promotes the civic and political engagement of young people at Tufts University, in our communities, and in our democracy.
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The University Award for Civic Engagement is supporting innovative projects in the Global South during the pandemic.

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Tufts 2022 Commencement photo collage
Congratulations, Class of 2022!

We're proud to join the rest of Tufts University in celebrating and honoring this year's graduates. Explore special virtual ceremonies and videos in which we celebrate Presidential Award winners, Honos Civicus inductees, graduating Tufts 1+4 Fellows, and all Jumbos who are committed to civic life.

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Students working on a computer
New Program: Civic Action Gap Semester

A partnership between Tisch College and Amigos de las Americas, the program will allow high school graduates to enjoy a virtual "volunteership" with a community organization as well as coursework for Tufts credit.

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A student signing up for something on a clipboard
Tufts Community Response Volunteer Groups

Tisch College is using our platform to recruit and train groups of local or virtual volunteers who can support our communities during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

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A Virtual Civic Summer for a Record Number of Tisch Summer Fellows

Nearly 150 students are enjoying virtual Tisch Summer Fellowships that allow them to learn and make a difference during the pandemic.

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浏览外网的免费加速器, student programs, COVID-19
Alumni Step Up to COVID-19 Challenges

"Dispatches from the Pandemic" — A county health officer, a supply firm CEO, a dentist, and others share how they're leading communities through the crisis.

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Statement and Resources on Racial Justice

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  • 永久免费的连外网的软伀
    Civic Studies Major
    The Civic Studies major is an interdisciplinary field of study that provides an intellectually rigorous foundation to engaging with communities and solving problems.
  • Tisch Summer Fellows
    Tisch Summer Programs
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  • 永久免费的连外网的软伀
    The Tufts Civic Semester and Tufts 1+4 Bridge Year allow incoming students to start their education with unique experiential learning opportunities around the world.


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    Tisch College's Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement conducts some of the nation's leading research on youth voting, civic education, and young people's participation in democracy.
  • IDHE
    Our Institute for Democracy & Higher Education, which studies and promotes the political learning and engagement of college students, will soon release aggregate data on voting and registration rates of students in more than 1,000 institutions.
  • The Massachusetts State House
    腾讯网游加速器——绝地求生首选加速器【官方推荐】 - QQ:2021-6-9 · 腾讯官方出品的海外游戏网络加速工具。完美加速绝地求生、彩虹六号、GTA5、无限法则、战地等上百款海外游戏,有效解决游戏中出现的延迟、丢包、卡顿等问题。72小时超长免费试用,体验后购 …
    Our newest research center focuses on publishing expert, scholarly, nonpartisan analyses on pending legislation and ballot questions in Massachusetts.


  • 外网加速器永久破解版
    Tisch College's student-led voter education and engagement initiative works to ensure that all Tufts students are registered and ready to vote in every election cycle.
  • 浏览外网的免费加速器
    Tisch College supports the Tufts chapter of Jumpstart, an early education organization that helps local children in underserved schools thrive.
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    The Talloires Network
    Founded and housed at Tisch College, this international association of universities committed to strengthening civic life globalizes our mission and expands our impact around the world.
In the News
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